Mobile application development to spur business growth
Our mobile app developers have an expert understanding of Android and IOS frameworks supporting custom solutions for all operating systems.
Let's talk
Over two-thirds of the world's population are now mobile device subscribers.
How important is mobility to your business?
65% of business executives say lack of mobile functionality has made it challenging for them and this negatively affects their company’s growth.
Bitbean’s mobile design and custom application development will bring your business to the forefront of the mobile adoption wave. Because competing digitally just moved up a notch, we’ll keep your customers engaged on any device or operating system.
Bitbean helps you plan your digital strategy
We review your business as a whole, to ensure alignment between our team and your business key priorities, values, and objectives.
Through our unique Shifting Perspectives® process we look at your business from all vantage points to discover the areas where your business needs to improve or could improve.
We explore every department to find how a mobile app can improve your operations, increase value, and create ROI.
Bitbean mobile design ensures your customers stay engaged from any device
The more your customers connect and stay connected with your digital business, the greater chance of conversion, and increased conversions means increased revenue and ROI. They’ll get the same positive experience interacting on smartphones, tablets, or laptops.
Choosing the right technology for your mobile application development
The choice between the different technologies/methodologies for app development may be a difficult one to make. Ultimately, you should choose a platform that works best for your specific requirements and ensures you attain your project goals. It depends on the type of project you’re about to build, the features the project requires, budget, available time/deadlines.
Native apps
Native Apps are the best apps you can deliver to mobile devices and mobile device users.
For native apps, APIs exposed by the device’s system software enable these apps to leverage all the capabilities the mobile device offers—with no compromises. So, there’s lots of good reasons for building native apps.
Reasons to build native apps
arrow_forwardNative apps, when coded correctly by an experienced developer, deliver the fastest apps.
arrow_forwardNative apps can do more things on any mobile device (access to any native API).
arrow_forwardNative apps are the least risky path to users through a native platform’s app store.
arrow_forwardA better user interface, since native apps integrate with the mobile operating system flawlessly, users can easily navigate a familiar interface without many hassles, resulting in a positive user experience and repeated use.
Cross-Platform mobile app development can be defined as “write code once, run on multiple platforms”
Cross-Platform mobile development refers to the development of mobile apps that can be used on multiple mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, and windows with a single source code.
Pros of cross-platform apps
arrow_forwardThese apps offer affordability and save time.
arrow_forwardDeveloping cross-platform apps provides access to a wider target audience, which could lead to increased revenues.
In a PWA, a mobile website functions as an app
A progressive web application (PWA) is a hybrid of a regular website and a mobile application and reflects a new approach to software development. PWA’s combine the features offered by most modern browsers with the benefits of a mobile experience. Most popular interactive or data-driven web applications are in the process of or will be enhanced to use PWA features very soon.
The benefits of progressive web apps
arrow_forwardCosts are kept low. Progressive web apps are cheaper to produce but not at the expense of less functionality. Thus, PWA’s provide a better option for your business to generate a positive ROI.
arrow_forwardLow data usage. PWA’s don’t require any significant storage on the device either. This frees up space for the user and contributes to better performance on their smartphones.